Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Rules and Collar

I state my rules every morning before I leave the house and every evening as soon as I get home.

When I first arrive home, I am to go upstairs get my collar (which is a posture collar at the moment), the lock and key. I give him the collar and then kneel in front of him. Once the collar is in place and locked on I stand straight and have my hands behind my back, looking at him.

This is what I am to say:

Sir my rules are:

1. No Disrespect

2. No Dishonesty

3. No Disobedience

4. I need to email, text and chat like an adult. I cannot shortcut words. No longer need this one.

4. I cannot use the word GAY in a derogatory way.

5. No cursing around my children including the "C" word. And I can only say a limit of 10/5 curse words around adults.

6. I am to record all income and out come in spreadsheet within 24 hrs. I also need to ask before spending any discretionary money.

Sir I have chosen to accept these rules. I still feel I need them and they apply to me.

After that is said I need to state whether I broke any rules and how many times. And if I did not break any rules then I say, Sir I have not broken any rules since the last time I stated this to you.

If I break any rules, then he disciplines me in a way he feels appropriate.


  1. Welcome to blogland!! Great start here. :)

  2. It's great to see you in blog land.

  3. Wow. Thank you for posting such an honest picture of your life. Gulp. Are you married to your Sir? Forgive me, I have not read your full profile, yet. Thank you. MBH

    1. I am not married to my Sir, who knows what the future holds. We take it one day at a time. He is by far the most amazing man I have ever had in my life. I have grown leaps and bounds from where I was. Thank you for commenting. :)

  4. Hello and welcome to blogland.

